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SUSTAINABILITY True Blue KraussMaffei publishes sustainability report


In the “TrueBlue” sustainability report, KraussMaffei illustrates on 93 pages which instruments and measures it uses to fulfill its corporate responsibility in the areas of economy, environment and social affairs.

Over the past few months, KraussMaffei has collected data and surveyed sustainability activities at all its sites worldwide. Around 100 colleagues contributed to the 93-page report.

Chi Zhang CEO KraussMaffei:

For KraussMaffei, sustainability means not only an environmentally conscious attitude, but also responsibility in all areas of the company, towards our environment and as part of our society. Our sustainability report documents that we take our responsibility seriously and that our customers and partners can rely on a transparent and responsible partner with whom they can ensure sustainability in their own supply chain and fulfill legal requirements.

Focus and goals 

In a comprehensive analysis process, KraussMaffei defined and prioritized a total of 27 relevant topics and structured the report accordingly.  

Our first sustainability report covers the entire KraussMaffei Group as of 2023 with all our locations in 19 countries. As a manufacturing company, our focus is on human rights, supply chain due diligence, the circular economy and climate protection. KraussMaffei has defined strategic goals in these areas.

Dr. Alexandra Coffey Senior Manager Sustainability und Head of Corporate Communications:

For example, the company aims to achieve carbon neutrality in its own business area by 2030 and carbon neutrality in the machines and systems it produces (product carbon footprint) by 2035.

There are also plans to expand the certification of sites in the areas of the environment and energy and to obtain ISO 50001 certification for the Parsdorf site by mid-2025.

Employees will also receive further training on human rights in the supply chain and be made more aware of the issue. 

Content highlights 

However, the “True Blue” sustainability report not only formulates goals. KraussMaffei shows the measures the company is already taking in its own business units to ensure environmentally friendly processes and safe and fair working conditions worldwide.

In 2023 alone, a total of 75 million euros was invested in new production facilities and, as part of this, one of the largest rooftop PV systems in Europe with a capacity of 9.1 MWp was put into operation at the company headquarters in Parsdorf. As a result, KraussMaffei was able to generate 46% of the electricity required there itself in 2023.

In addition, 7,887 suppliers were screened with regard to risks relating to human rights, equal treatment, occupational health and safety, environmental requirements and social standards.  

KraussMaffei also takes responsibility for its products and presents many solutions that enable customers to achieve efficient processes and reduce operational CO2 emissions. These include the development and practical testing of a process that also allows post-consumer recyclate (PCR) to be used for thermoplastic foam injection molding. This reduces the component weight by around 12% with corresponding emission benefits. The Lifecycle Value Calculator was also developed - a software-based tool with which users can determine the specific CO2 savings potential of a machine individually for their respective application and over the entire lifecycle. 

The certification 

The report was prepared in accordance with the international GRI 2021 standard (GRI = Global Reporting Initiative). An independent testing institute audited the report in accordance with the Account Ability Assurance Standard 2020 (AA 1000 AS v3) and awarded the corresponding certificates.